Jazmin Finds Joy in the Classroom

Child not looking at cameraA student shines under Sand Hill School and CHC's integrated care approach.

Daniela was worried about her daughter Jazmin. Her once creative and happy child had become noticeably more defiant and disruptive in class—especially during reading time. When Daniela heard CHC was offering a free parent education workshop in Spanish called "Manejando Comportamientos Difíciles [Managing Difficult Behaviors]," she put it on her calendar.

During the session she learned that Jazmin's behavior could be the result of a larger issue having to do with her style of learning and probably anxiety, as well. She came away with a few techniques she could use right away to help Jazmin manage her behaviors. She also signed up at the end of the class for a follow up consultation with the CHC clinician.

The next steps provided by CHC uncovered that Jazmin had made it all the way to 3rd grade without anyone noticing a major issue: she had dyslexia.

More than anything, Daniela wanted her daughter to feel successful and to be happy again. She did not know much about dyslexia and anxiety, but she continued to meet with CHC's bilingual clinicians to understand how she could help Jazmin. She learned about CHC's Sand Hill School—a school that specializes in helping kids like Jazmin learn how to read. She applied to Sand Hill and completed the financial aid forms.

When Daniela got the news that her daughter had been accepted to the school with nearly a full financial scholarship, she broke down into tears—so glad her daughter was finally going to get the support she needed.

Jazmin started immediately and adjusted quickly to her new school environment. She made friends and began to learn how to read for the first time in her life. All the kids were just like her, so no one made fun of her anymore. Her teacher shared:

"Since Jazmin started at Sand Hill School, she has made remarkable progress. Her growth and newfound love of reading is especially exciting. She enters class each day with a smile."

Jazmin is back on track and on her way.

The Sand Hill Scholarship Fund was launched thanks to the philanthropic leadership of John Kriewall and Betsy Haehl, whose generosity and partnership with CHC helped start Sand Hill School in 2011. We realize that not every family whose child is a fit for Sand Hill School can afford a Sand Hill School education. The Sand Hill School Scholarship Fund will help change that.

At CHC, we are dedicated to removing barriers to learning, providing services for ADHD, Learning Differences, Anxiety & Depression and Autism through our two schools, clinical services and community education programs.

Learn more about CHC's Sand Hill School.